Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at our primary school.
Moredon Primary and Nursery School is a great place to study. We have an exceptional staff, support and nurture each student, and deliver a top-quality education.
On this page, you can find information about how to apply for a place, in-year admissions, open events, and what to expect for your child’s first days at the school.
Primary Admissions Policies
How to Apply
Admissions to the school are coordinated by Swindon Borough Council and your application can be completed and submitted online.
To apply for a place at our school, follow the link below and submit an online application.
If you would like your child to join our school, Please contact our school office to find out more.
For advice about the application process, please contact:
Visit our School
We invite you to come and look around our school to see whether it is a good fit for you and your child. Please contact the school office and they will be happy to arrange a time for you to be given a tour of the school.
Nursery Admissions
If you are looking for a place for your child at Moredon Nursery, please visit our nursery provision page.
In-Year Admissions
We welcome pupils joining us at any time of year. If you currently live outside of Swindon, you can find more information about transferring to a Swindon school by clicking the button below.
New Starters - What to Expect
Children are admitted to school in the September of the year in which they are five and will be admitted to school full time after their initial induction period.
Priority for admission will go to children living in the catchment area and will be agreed according to the Swindon Admissions Policy during June.
Parents/carers will be invited to a Reception Open evening during June. This is when you will meet the Senior Leadership Team, our Pastoral Team and also the Reception Class Teachers. You will receive your induction pack, school brochure and additional information. You will also receive a child friendly welcome booklet with photos in to share with your child. There is also the opportunity to try some of our school meals!
Children will be invited to attend for a visit during the summer to the Reception Class before they start school on a daily basis in September.
Prior to these visits, and admission to the school, the class teacher will make a home visit when parents/carers will have an opportunity to talk to them, and fill in some induction forms. It's great if your child can be present during these visits so that they have the opportunity to meet and talk to their new teacher.