PE Lessons
All pupils in Years 1 to 6 receive two PE lessons per week. (Pupils in Nursery and Reception have one lesson per week as lots of their curriculum is already very active!) Here are the PE days for each class…
Nursery (Miss Godfrey): Tuesday
RCB (Miss Bentley): Wednesday
R1MS (Mrs Marr & Mrs Smith): Wednesday (Year 1 pupils in this class also have PE on Tuesday)
1BP (Miss Parmenter): Tuesday & Thursday
12PS (Mrs Palmer & Miss Seviour): Monday & Friday
2JS (Mr Shurmer): Monday & Tuesday
Year 3 (Mrs Dilworth & Miss Ferdous): Tuesday & Thursday
Year 4 (Mr Sedgwick & Mr McGann): Tuesday & Thursday
Year 5 (Miss Rumble & Miss Wootten): Monday & Wednesday
Year 6 (Miss Carter & Mrs Brasier-Ayres): Monday & Wednesday
PE Kit
PE kit is part of our school uniform and pupils are expected to wear the correct items as detailed below:
- Plain white t-shirt (small logo is acceptable)
- Plain black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms (small logo is acceptable)
- Plain black sweatshirt - or a school cardigan/jumper can be worn
- Trainers
Your child's class teacher will inform you which sports they will be doing each term so that you can provide suitable kit for indoor/outdoor sessions. All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. If children cannot take out their earrings, medical tape will be used to cover them. Long hair must be tied back (hair bands should be provided from home). These things are incredibly important for the health and safety of all children and will be taken seriously by teachers. Please note that any child who does not have their own PE kit in school on their PE day will be given spare kit to wear. Children will not be excused from lessons due to missing PE kit.
Pupils have swimming lessons when they are in Year 5.
After School Clubs
Please see the after school enrichment clubs page for more information about our sports clubs.
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