Hello and a warm welcome to R1MS!
Mrs Simone Marr and Mrs Sarah Smit - Teachers
Mrs Sam Heron - Teaching Assistant
Mrs C-A Woodman - Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Wells - Teaching Assistant
Topics we will be covering this year:
Term 1 - It's good to be me!
Book focus - Owl Babies, Whatever Next, The Large Family (collection).
Term 2 - It's time to celebrate!
Book focus - Percy the Park keeper, Stickman, The Christmas Story.
Term 3 - Travelling through time…
Book focus - Train ride, Naughty Bus, How to look after your dinosaur.
Term 4 - Spring to life!
Book focus - The Runaway Pea, The Hungry Caterpillar.
Term 5 - Beyond my world…
Books focus - Old Mikamba had a farm, Somebody swallowed Colin.
Term 6 - We're all superheroes!
Book focus - Supertato, What the ladybird heard at the seaside.
Morning Routine & Home Time Routine
Children are welcome to come into the classroom as soon as the door is opened by a member of staff at 8:30. Registration is at 8:35. We encourage the children to be as independent as possible during their morning routine of putting their coats, bottles and book bags away. At home time the children will stay sat on the carpet until we see you in the playground. If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourself, then please let us know or give the school office a call.
Home Learning
Please read with your child as often as possible. You can use the books we send home from school or use books you have at home. In Term 2, once the children have started blending, we will read with them 2/3 times a week and this is the book they will bring home with them on a Friday. These books all have a star on the top right-hand corner so they can be easily identified and must be brought back on a Monday. The children will then come home with an un-starred reading book on a Monday which will be changed again on a Friday. Reading for pleasure books will also come home weekly and these will be changed every Wednesday. Remember to record all of the books you read in your child's Reading Record Book. The children will also bring home their phonics books on a Friday to practice the new graphemes that they have just learnt.
School Uniform/PE
It is essential that your child has a full PE kit in school during the whole week if they are to participate in activities. This kit along with their school uniform must be labelled with their full name. The kit should include: white t-shirt, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, daps/trainers, socks and a spare pair of pants. Your child may also want to wear a black jumper or zip up for colder days. The PE kit must be placed inside a clearly named PE bag. If your child has long hair, then they need to have their hair tied up. If your child wears earrings, then they can either be covered up with tape or removed. In Reception we normally keep PE kits in school for the whole term and send them home for washing at the end of each term.
Wellington Boots
For wet weather activities and welly walks, we ask that your child brings in a pair of wellies that are named. These will be kept on the welly rack outside our classroom door.
Snack and water bottles
Please can you provide your child with a clearly named plastic water bottle to use throughout the day. The children can refill their bottles from the tap in the classroom. We will also provide your child with a mid-morning snack of fresh fruit. If you have signed up to Cool Milk, then your child will also have a carton of milk to drink in the morning.
I am always available to talk to on the class door before or after school but please feel free to contact me on class dojo with any questions or queries that you may have. I will respond as soon as I am able to within school hours but at times this will be before or after school. If there is anything that could affect your child's day and you feel we need to be made aware, then please do let me know.
Please see Class Dojo, the school website or our newsletters for important dates for the diary.
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