New Reception Starters 2024 - What to Expect

We can't wait to welcome all our new pupils to Reception in September 2024! Thank you for choosing Moredon Primary and Nursery School. We are very much looking forward to working with you to support your child through their first year at school.

Children are admitted to school in the September of the academic year in which they are five and will be admitted to school full time after their initial induction period.

Priority for admission will go to children living in the catchment area and will be agreed according to the Swindon Admissions Policy during June.

We will hold a Reception Induction Evening in June 2024 for parents/carers to attend. This will be an opportunity to meet the Senior Leadership Team, Pastoral Team and your child's class teacher. We will also provide you with a school brochure and an induction pack giving you lots of information about our school day, timings, uniform plus any general information. You will receive a postal invitation to attend this evening. Please do let the School Office know if you are unable to attend. (01793 600344)

Children will be invited to attend for a visit to their Reception Class in the summer term before they start on a daily basis in September.

The class teacher will also make a home visit during the summer term when parents/carers will have an opportunity to talk to her and ask questions. The date for this visit will be arranged at the Induction Evening. The class teacher will discuss our transition process and complete some forms. It would be lovely if your child could be at home for this visit so that they get to meet their teacher on a 1:1 basis. Your child will also be given a short activity to complete over the summer that they can bring to school when they start.

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EYFS Curriculum

Progress for your child is measured within seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive arts and Design.

These are then broken down further into 17 areas of learning as follows: