Hello and a warm welcome to 2JS!
Mr Jason Shurmer - Teacher
Mrs A Khyzhniak - Teaching Assistant
Mr C Drinkwater - Teaching Assistant
Miss D Williams - Teaching Assistant
We are all very excited about our exciting topics we have planned for this year:
Term 1: Mary Anning
Term 2: Florence Nightingale
Term 3: Continents and oceans
Term 4: Maps, plans, compass and directions
Term 5: The Caribbean
Term 6: Moon landing - Neil Armstrong
Each week please ensure to read as much as you can with your child and remember to practice their spellings too. Your child will bring home a Big Cat coloured book and a reading for pleasure book each week. They are able to change their reading book as often as they like but the reading for pleasure book is changed weekly. Each term we will also add a 'Homework Web' to Class Dojo and the website. Please keep an eye out for this as there are lots of fun activities for the children to do at home that link to our topics.
Our PE days will be on Monday and Thursday all year. On Thursday's we will be doing our P.E. outside. Please ensure your child's P.E kit includes a white t-shirt, shorts, jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure that you send your child with a coat and water bottle every day too. Please make sure ALL items are clearly labelled.
If there is anything that you would like to discuss, please feel free to catch me on the door or send me a message on dojo.
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