4JM Term 2 Week 1
As part of immersing themselves in the book, The Barnabus Project, children in 4JM had a go at…

12PS Term 2 Week 1
We made junk model dinosaurs! We loved making our own dinosaurs from card and paper mache. Once…

2JS Term 2 Week 1
We learned about the gunpowder plot and played in role as one of the characters.

5SW Term 2 Week 1
This week 5SW were able to open their "Have you filled a bucket?" messages, after a long term of…

6SBA Term 2 Week 1
We have been enjoying lots of learning so far in our first week back. We have been getting…

3ED Term 2 Week 1
As part of our English lessons, we talked about what it would be like if we had lots of snow and…

4GS Term 2 Week 1
As part of immersing themselves in the book, The Barnabus Project, children in 4GS had a go at…

6SBA Term 1 Week 8
Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Tudor Exhibition. It was so lovely to see so…

R1MS Term 1 Week 7
This week we have been sorting animals into their groups, retelling the story of The Little Red…
6KC Term 1 Week 7
This week, we had great fun making our Tudor cushions! We've been practising different sewing…

3ED Term 1 Week 7
For RE this term, we've been learning about Hinduism and Divali. We made our own Rangoli patterns…

3JF Term 1 Week 6
The children have been reading the Iron Man. Today they created freeze frames for how the farmer…