6SBA Term 2 Week 7
Merry Christmas from all in 6SBA! We had a brilliant time at the Y6 Christmas Party with music,…

12PS Term 2 Week 7
In 12PS we have been taking part in some fun Yoga sessions. We have really developed our strength…

2JS Term 2 Week 6
In computing, we have been learning how to take a good photo.
We chose landscape or portrait…

3JF Term 2 Week 6
In Computing, the children have been learning about animations. They used the i-pads to create…

12PS Term 2 Week 6
We have been busy this week making our Christmas cards!

1BP Term 2 Week 6
On Monday, we went to Dragon School! We were learning how to fly, breathe fire, roar and fight a…

6SBA Term 2 Week 5
Lots more great learning had by 6SBA this week! In Computing, we have been developing our website…

12PS Term 2 Week 5
We are learning about 3d shapes. We went on a 3d shape hunt. Can you say the name of the 3d shape…

Nursery Term 2 Week 5
We've enjoyed learning about the colour pink this week and the all-day children had their first PE…