To conclude their PSHE learning for this term, children in 3GS made appreciation banners.
2PS Term 5 Week 5
We are reading the story 'Bob, man on the moon.' Bob doesn't believe in aliens. We imagined what…
RSSM Term 5 Week 4
This week we have been writing descriptions of the animals in Someone Swallowed Stanley. We have…
Nursery Term 5 Week 4
We had a super special visitor called Emily and she works for ZooLab. Emily brought in 6 different…
6KC Term 5 Week 4
We explored a range of dynamic and static challenges in PE this week!
1CB Term 5 Week 3
Over the last few weeks, the children have been exploring 'tache', a technique used by the artist…
5SBA Term 5 Week 3
Thank you so much to all our parents who sent in baby photos! Our Science 'Guess Who' game is now…
5JR Term 5 Week 3
This week in our Computing learning, we looked at how to make images out of shapes. We…
6KC Term 5 Week 3
This term, we are learning about 3D design in computing using TinkerCAD.
RSSM Term 5 Week 3
This week we have continued to enjoy our learning environment. We have been finding doubles,…
3GS Term 5 Week 3
In History this week, children in 3GS acted out what life might have been like in an Anglo-Saxon…
RBP Term 5 Week 3
As the weather is getting warmer, the children have enjoyed spending more time outside. The…