RCB Term 3 Week 6
The children have loved doing our ‘Bubble Challenge’ this week and used various shaped pipe…

2JS Term 3 Week 6
We created our own pop ups during our internet safety open afternoon.

2JS Term 3 Week 5
In maths this week we created a tangram.
The children loved created shapes within shapes.

2JS Term 3 Week 3
Some children had the opportunity to take part in our new school computing club.
They used…

5SW Term 3 Week 5
This term, the focus of our science studies has been on the Properties of Materials. We have…

4GS Term 3 Week 6
4GS invited parents to the Safer Internet Afternoon this week. The children (and parents!) learned…

RCB Term 3 Week 5
WOW! That week flew by... We have done some fabulous learning this week :)

6KC Term 3 Week 5
As part of our Early Islamic Civilisation topic, we have been learning about West Asian food in…

6SBA Term 3 Week 5
Year 6 had a great session with Josh from the charity UTURN this week. The children were…

4JM Term 3 Week 5
4JM finished off this term's PE with some more hockey matches. Children have learnt to dribble,…

R1MS Term 3 Week 5
This week has been Children's Mental Health Week. We have completed activities to help keep our…

4GS Term 3 Week 5
4GS are continuing to enjoy their weekly recorder sessions!