3JF Term 3 Week 6
The children took part in a Science workshop and learnt about insects and pollination. They…

3JF Term 3 Week 4
The children have enjoyed learning their timetables and completing their timetable booklets. They…

3JF Term 3 Week 3
In Science, the children made parachutes. They designed it themselves and then had freedom to…

3JF Term 3 Week 2
The children have really enjoyed learning to jump and balance in P.E. The children worked on their…

3JF Term 3 Week 1
The children have been revisiting collaging to experiment how they can make a skyline in Art.
3JF Term 2 Week 6
In Computing, the children have been learning about animations. They used the i-pads to create…

3JF Term 2 Week 5
The children visited 'We the Curious'. They enjoyed exploring the museum and expanding their…
3JF Term 2 Week 4
In Science, the children having been exploring light. The children carried out an experiment by…

3JF Term 2 Week 3
The children came into school dressed as Victorian children. They experienced a variety of…

3JF Term 2 Week 2
The children learnt about Remembrance day. They enjoyed making firework bookmarks using chalk.

3JF Term 1 Week 6
The children have been reading the Iron Man. Today they created freeze frames for how the farmer…

3JF Term 1 Week 5
In Science, the children tested the permeability of different rocks.