4GS Term 4 Week 2
4GS enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday this week!
Parents joined the children for the Reading…

4GS Term 4 Week 1
In Science this week, children 4GS became 'particles' as they worked together as a class to show…

4GS Term 3 Week 6
4GS invited parents to the Safer Internet Afternoon this week. The children (and parents!) learned…

4GS Term 3 Week 5
4GS are continuing to enjoy their weekly recorder sessions!

4GS Term 3 Week 4
In gymnastics today, children in 4GS practised their jumps (with quarter, half and even full!)…

4GS Term 3 Week 3
Children in 4GS have been busy this week using the column method to solve addition calculations in…

4GS Term 3 Week 2
As part of the Sound topic in Science, children in 4GS made their own string telephones. They…

4GS Term 3 Week 1
Children in 4GS have been busy including fronted adverbials in their writing this week!

4GS Term 2 Week 4
Children in 4GS enjoyed making Christingles in RE this week!

4GS Term 2 Week 3
Children in 4GS have been learning all about lines of symmetry in Maths. This included some…