4GS Term 3 Week 2
As part of the Sound topic in Science, children in 4GS made their own string telephones. They…
4GS Term 3 Week 1
Children in 4GS have been busy including fronted adverbials in their writing this week!
4GS Term 2 Week 4
Children in 4GS enjoyed making Christingles in RE this week!
4GS Term 2 Week 3
Children in 4GS have been learning all about lines of symmetry in Maths. This included some…
4GS Term 2 Week 2
This week, everyone in Year 4 turned into Howard Carter!
Howard Carter was an archaeologist who…
4GS Term 2 Week 1
As part of immersing themselves in the book, The Barnabus Project, children in 4GS had a go at…
4GS Term 1 Week 6
Children in 4GS have been using clay to make their own Emperor penguins. They used the skills of…
4GS Term 1 Week 5
In today's English session, children watched the animation, Taking Flight. The animation was…
4GS Term 1 Week 4
Children in 4GS enjoyed learning about The Netherlands on Thursday during European Day of…