4JM Term 4 Week 2
This week, 4JM celebrated Reading Week. They took part in a West End Workshop where they used…

4JM Term 4 Week 1
4JM started the term off with some excellent football skills. Children learnt how to use different…

4JM Term 3 Week 5
4JM finished off this term's PE with some more hockey matches. Children have learnt to dribble,…

4JM Term 3 Week 4
This week in maths we have been focusing on using column subtraction. Today, children have used…

4JM Term 3 Week 3
This week the children have been writing alternative versions of 'The Wolves in the…

4JM Term 3 Week 2
Carrying on with our science topic of sound, the children created their own string telephones.…

4JM Term 3 Week 1
A particularly noisy start to our science topic this term as the children explored how sound is…

4JM Term 2 Week 4
In English, the children spent time guessing what was in the Christmas present. Safe to say we had…

4JM Term 2 Week 2
This week, everyone in Year 4 turned into Howard Carter!
Howard Carter was an archaeologist who…

4JM Term 2 Week 1
As part of immersing themselves in the book, The Barnabus Project, children in 4JM had a go at…

4JM Term 1 Week 6
This week we began exploring the 9 times table. Children used repeated addition to build their 9s.…

4JM Term 1 Week 5
In today's English session, children watched the animation, Taking Flight. The animation was…