6SBA Term 3 Week 6
We have had a busy week in Year 6!
On Wednesday, we enjoyed a whole year group hockey…

6SBA Term 3 Week 5
Year 6 had a great session with Josh from the charity UTURN this week. The children were…

6SBA Term 3 Week 4
We had a brilliant time during PE on Monday. We took our gymnastics skills to the next level with…

6SBA Term 3 Week 3
We continued our DT learning today - looking into how one ingredient can be prepared in different…

6SBA Term 3 Week 2
In Science this week, 6SBA had great fun exploring shadows! We looked at how shadows are created…

6SBA Term 3 Week 1
In 6SBA, we enjoyed our first DT lesson by looking at food seasonality, storage and preparation…

6SBA Term 2 Week 7
Merry Christmas from all in 6SBA! We had a brilliant time at the Y6 Christmas Party with music,…

6SBA Term 2 Week 5
Lots more great learning had by 6SBA this week! In Computing, we have been developing our website…

6SBA Term 2 Week 4
We had an amazing day today! Thanks so much to all those children who dressed up. We enjoyed…

6SBA Term 2 Week 3
We enjoyed a chilly afternoon skipping in the sunshine this week in 6SBA! The children did very…