Hello and a warm welcome to 4JM!

Mr J McGann - Teacher

Mrs J Hodge - Teaching Assistant

Here are the Topics that we will be covering during the course of this academic year:

  • Term 1 - Frozen Antarctica
  • Term 2 - The Egyptians
  • Term 3 - Rule Britannia
  • Term 4 - Vicious Vikings
  • Term 5 - The Living World
  • Term 6 - Zap!

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Morning Routine

Children are welcome to come into the classroom as soon as the classroom door is opened at 8:30am. They need to be in and settled into their learning by 8:35am.

Home Time Routine

We will stand at the classroom door and let them go when they see you in the playground. If you would like your child to begin their independence and walk home or meet you at the school gate, please let us know via the school office or Dojo so that we know that they are not expecting to meet someone in the playground.

Federation Common Curriculum

Our whole school curriculum is shaped by the White Horse Federation ENRICH Curriculum (Embed, Nourish, RICH).

Reading and Home Learning

Reading is such an important skill to learn and master, and one that is most enjoyable. Please try to read with your child regularly even if your child is a fluent reader and support them by asking questions to deepen their understanding of the texts. Times tables will need to be practised each day. At the end of Year 4, all children will sit the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is 25 questions assessing their times tables knowledge. Home learning activities are sent out on a sheet and are uploaded onto Class Dojo. Homework can be submitted via Dojo or handed into the class teacher using the homework books.


Children will need to bring in their PE kits (black shorts/joggers/white t-shirt) at the start of each term. This is then kept in school and taken home and the end of each term.

If you have any concerns or questions, then you can always speak to the class teacher or send a message through Class Dojo.

Thank you for all of your continued support!