Hello and Welcome to 5SW!
Miss S Wootten - Teacher
Mrs D McGuire - Teaching Assistant
May I now take this opportunity to say hello and give you some useful information.
I have lots of fun things planned for the coming year.
Our Topics will be:
- Term 1 - Fallen Fields
- Term 2 - Black History
- Term 3 - Romans and Celts
- Term 4 - To infinity and beyond
- Term 5 - Brilliant Britain
- Term 6 - Groovy Greeks
Important Information
Please make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle, a healthy snack each day and a coat on a rainy/cold day.
Our PE for the Year will be on a Monday and a Wednesday. PE is outside on a Monday, so please make sure your child has appropriate PE kit. Please ensure that your children bring a PE kit into the school, they are welcome to keep this in school. PE kits should include: Black shorts, PE shirt, daps OR trainers and jogging bottoms in colder weather.
We will be going swimming during Term 1 on a Tuesday. Therefore the children will need suitable swimwear and towels.
We love reading in Year 5 and we spend time sharing a range of books to the class. We cannot stress how important reading with your child is. Please ensure your child reads to you regularly in the week and that you read to them as well. Books need to brought back to school once the child has finished and understood the book. Please ask them questions about the book as they read as well as once they've finished to ensure they understand what they've read. New books will then be sent home once the other is returned. They will all receive a banded book and a reading for pleasure book.
Once again welcome to everyone and if you have any queries feel free to ask. You can also message on Class Dojo.
Miss Wootten
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