R1MS Term 4 Week 1
We have had a busy week starting our topic on the Gruffalo. We began by listening to the story and…
3ED Term 4 Week 1
This week, the children took part in a reading cafe as part of the Young Readers Programme. All…

4JM Term 4 Week 1
4JM started the term off with some excellent football skills. Children learnt how to use different…

12PS Term 4 Week 1
This term we are looking at puppets! We looked at how finger puppets are made and then made our…

4GS Term 4 Week 1
In Science this week, children 4GS became 'particles' as they worked together as a class to show…

6KC Term 4 Week 1
We've started our new tennis unit in PE this week. There were some great rallies!

6KC Term 3 Week 6
What a busy term it's been in Year 6! We celebrated at the 'Fabulous February Disco'... and are…

R1MS Term 3 week 6
Yesterday we had a lovely visit to the Library on the 'Naughty Bus' (school minibus). We made…

3JF Term 3 Week 6
The children took part in a Science workshop and learnt about insects and pollination. They…

1BP Term 3 Week 6
We have had a great week celebrating Science week. We attended a bubble workshop where we were set…
12PS Term 3 Week 6
We had a great time taking part in outdoor learning this week. We joined up with Year one and…

6SBA Term 3 Week 6
We have had a busy week in Year 6!
On Wednesday, we enjoyed a whole year group hockey…