5JR Term 3 Week 4
This week we have designed our own mosaic, inspired by our topic in history, The Romans. We…

RCB Term 3 Week 4
We loved celebrating Chinese New Year this week - we tried noodles, spring rolls and prawn…

Nursery Term 3 Week 4
We have really loved learning about The Gingerbread Man. We mixed the ingredients, rolled and cut…

4JM Term 3 Week 4
This week in maths we have been focusing on using column subtraction. Today, children have used…

R1MS Term 3 Week 4
This week we celebrated Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year.
We started by opening a red…

6SBA Term 3 Week 4
We had a brilliant time during PE on Monday. We took our gymnastics skills to the next level with…

6KC Term 3 Week 4
6KC are really enjoying their hockey unit in PE. The children's skills and understanding are…

5SW Term 3 Week 4
5SW all enjoyed this week's maths problem-solving lesson. We cut out the puzzle pieces to try and…

3JF Term 3 Week 4
The children have enjoyed learning their timetables and completing their timetable booklets. They…

3ED Term 3 Week 4
We had a fun this week where our classroom was turned into a crime scene.
Children had to…

4GS Term 3 Week 4
In gymnastics today, children in 4GS practised their jumps (with quarter, half and even full!)…

1BP Term 3 Week 4
In PE we are practising our sending and receiving skills. We have been doing this by rolling and…