5JR Term 3 Week 2
This week we started our Hockey lessons in PE! We practised hitting the ball with a hockey stick…

6SBA Term 3 Week 2
In Science this week, 6SBA had great fun exploring shadows! We looked at how shadows are created…

RCB Term 3 Week 2
This week we have loved exploring the clay and learning how to roll it into a ball, a sausage and…

4JM Term 3 Week 2
Carrying on with our science topic of sound, the children created their own string telephones.…

3JF Term 3 Week 2
The children have really enjoyed learning to jump and balance in P.E. The children worked on their…

R1MS Term 3 Week 2
This week Year 1 children have been learning about continents. We tried to find them on a world…

Nursery Term 3 Week 2
We had exciting visitors this week! We were visited by two PCSOs who talked about their job and…

5SW Term 3 Week 2
This week, we began our first hockey lesson of the term.
During this term, we will be…
2JS Term 3 Week 2
In reading, we have been working hard in the reader's theatre.
The children have been…

12PS Term 3 Week 2
As part of our Design Technology lessons we designed and made our own lift the flap pictures! We…

3ED Term 3 Week 2
This term, we've started learning about hockey. We have learnt how to hold a stick, how to dribble…

4GS Term 3 Week 2
As part of the Sound topic in Science, children in 4GS made their own string telephones. They…