5SW Term 2 Week 1
This week 5SW were able to open their "Have you filled a bucket?" messages, after a long term of…
6SBA Term 2 Week 1
We have been enjoying lots of learning so far in our first week back. We have been getting…
3ED Term 2 Week 1
As part of our English lessons, we talked about what it would be like if we had lots of snow and…
4GS Term 2 Week 1
As part of immersing themselves in the book, The Barnabus Project, children in 4GS had a go at…
6SBA Term 1 Week 8
Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Tudor Exhibition. It was so lovely to see so…
R1MS Term 1 Week 7
This week we have been sorting animals into their groups, retelling the story of The Little Red…
6KC Term 1 Week 7
This week, we had great fun making our Tudor cushions! We've been practising different sewing…
3ED Term 1 Week 7
For RE this term, we've been learning about Hinduism and Divali. We made our own Rangoli patterns…
3JF Term 1 Week 6
The children have been reading the Iron Man. Today they created freeze frames for how the farmer…
5JR Term 1 Week 6
This week we finished off our posters in History. These were inspired by the posters made during…
1BP Term 1 Week 6
We have had so much fun celebrating world mental health day. We got muddy and rolled down the…
6KC World Mental Health Day
This week, we celebrated World Mental Health Day. Our class started the day with some mindfulness,…